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My name is Shivansh Bishnoi . I am artificial intelligency ( AI)  prompt engineer . I designed course for you . Watch our course to complete your any type of work in less time . 10X your growth from our course .  Our course will change your life . We provide high quality information and knowledge about Artificial intelligency .You will learn many things from this cheapest Ai course . You will learn how to make a website from ai . How to find a specific paragraph from a large pdf book . How to make a presentation in seconds.  Best ai tool to enhance audio . How to improve speech or speaking way . How to use chatgpt free . how to generate images from Artificial  intelligency . How to use google's ai tool bard . how to find mistakes in code. Best method to find vulnerabilities from any type of code like html, javascript , python, c+ , c++ etc.

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Embrace the Future of AI with User-Created, Tailored GPTs

The realm of artificial intelligence has witnessed a remarkable advancement with the introduction of large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT. These powerful tools have revolutionized text generation, enabling users to craft creative content, translate languages, and provide informative answers to questions. However, the evolution of LLMs has opened up a new frontier: customized AI.

Introducing GPTs and the GPT Store: Your Gateway to Personalized AI

OpenAI's recent Dev Day unveiled two groundbreaking innovations in this domain: GPTs (user-created, tailored versions of ChatGPT) and the GPT Store, a platform for sharing and monetizing these custom AI creations. This comprehensive course, "Introducing GPTs and the GPT Store: Unleashing the Power of Customized AI," will guide you through this exciting new landscape of AI customization.

Empower Yourself with the Skills to Create, Share, and Utilize GPTs Effectively

This course will equip you with the knowledge and skills to become a proficient GPT creator, sharer, and user. We will embark on a journey that encompasses:

  • Delving into the World of GPTs: Discover the concept of GPTs, their capabilities, and the advantages they offer over standard ChatGPT.

  • Building Your Custom GPT: Step by step, we will guide you through the process of creating your own GPT, tailored to your specific needs and purposes.

  • Harnessing the Power of GPTs: Explore the diverse applications of GPTs, from enhancing creative writing to automating tasks and streamlining business processes.

  • Exploring the GPT Store: Uncover the intricacies of the GPT Store, including how to publish, promote, and monetize your GPT creations.

Become a Master of Customized AI and Transform Your Work, Passions, and Future

Whether you are a writer seeking to refine your craft, a business owner seeking to enhance productivity, or simply a curious individual fascinated by the frontiers of AI, this course will provide you with the tools and knowledge to navigate this exciting new landscape.

Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • Create and customize your own GPTs, tailored to specific tasks and applications.

  • Effectively utilize GPTs to enhance your creativity, productivity, and business processes.

  • Publish and share your GPT creations on the GPT Store, reaching a wider audience and monetizing your efforts.

  • Become a well-informed and confident user of GPTs and the GPT Store, positioning yourself at the forefront of customized AI.

Enroll Today and Embrace the Next Generation of AI

With the rise of GPTs and the GPT Store, the possibilities for customized AI are limitless. Enroll in this course today and embark on a journey of creativity, innovation, and empowerment as you harness the power of customized AI to transform your work, your passions, and your future.

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Embrace the Future of AI with User-Created, Tailored GPTs

The realm of artificial intelligence has witnessed a remarkable advancement with the introduction of large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT. These powerful tools have revolutionized text generation, enabling users to craft creative content, translate languages, and provide informative answers to questions. However, the evolution of LLMs has opened up a new frontier: customized AI.

Introducing GPTs and the GPT Store: Your Gateway to Personalized AI

OpenAI's recent Dev Day unveiled two groundbreaking innovations in this domain: GPTs (user-created, tailored versions of ChatGPT) and the GPT Store, a platform for sharing and monetizing these custom AI creations. This comprehensive course, "Introducing GPTs and the GPT Store: Unleashing the Power of Customized AI," will guide you through this exciting new landscape of AI customization.

Empower Yourself with the Skills to Create, Share, and Utilize GPTs Effectively

This course will equip you with the knowledge and skills to become a proficient GPT creator, sharer, and user. We will embark on a journey that encompasses:

  • Delving into the World of GPTs: Discover the concept of GPTs, their capabilities, and the advantages they offer over standard ChatGPT.

  • Building Your Custom GPT: Step by step, we will guide you through the process of creating your own GPT, tailored to your specific needs and purposes.

  • Harnessing the Power of GPTs: Explore the diverse applications of GPTs, from enhancing creative writing to automating tasks and streamlining business processes.

  • Exploring the GPT Store: Uncover the intricacies of the GPT Store, including how to publish, promote, and monetize your GPT creations.

Become a Master of Customized AI and Transform Your Work, Passions, and Future

Whether you are a writer seeking to refine your craft, a business owner seeking to enhance productivity, or simply a curious individual fascinated by the frontiers of AI, this course will provide you with the tools and knowledge to navigate this exciting new landscape.

Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • Create and customize your own GPTs, tailored to specific tasks and applications.

  • Effectively utilize GPTs to enhance your creativity, productivity, and business processes.

  • Publish and share your GPT creations on the GPT Store, reaching a wider audience and monetizing your efforts.

  • Become a well-informed and confident user of GPTs and the GPT Store, positioning yourself at the forefront of customized AI.

Enroll Today and Embrace the Next Generation of AI

With the rise of GPTs and the GPT Store, the possibilities for customized AI are limitless. Enroll in this course today and embark on a journey of creativity, innovation, and empowerment as you harness the power of customized AI to transform your work, your passions, and your future.


# 概要

OpenAI Development Day 2023に発表された最新技術をフル活用して、人事採用面接を自動化するハンズオン講座「7ステップで体感するマルチモーダル生成AIハンズオン」です。Google ColaboratoryでPythonを利用して手軽に受講が可能です。2023/12/23「Suno AIを使った作曲を体感」も追加しました。

# 目次

1) Colab/Colab Proのセットアップ方法

2) GPT-4-TURBOを利用して採用面接における質問を自動生成

3) GPT-4-TURBOを利用してDALL・E3のプロンプトテンプレートを生成

4) DALL・Eを利用して、面接官の画像を自動生成

5) TTS(Text To Speech)を利用して面接官の声を自動生成

6) wav2lip-hqを利用して面接官画像にTTSの声で話させる(口も動かす)

7) 候補者の発言を音声認識

8) GPT-4-TURBOにより候補者の発言と、会社・組織の理念や募集要項と照らし合わせた評価を返却


10) GPT-4 With Visionを利用して書類選考も自動化

11)Suno AIを使った作曲を体感

12)GPTStoreのinvideo video maker AIの使い方


# 概要

OpenAI Development Day 2023に発表された最新技術をフル活用して、人事採用面接を自動化するハンズオン講座「7ステップで体感するマルチモーダル生成AIハンズオン」です。Google ColaboratoryでPythonを利用して手軽に受講が可能です。2023/12/23「Suno AIを使った作曲を体感」も追加しました。

# 目次

1) Colab/Colab Proのセットアップ方法

2) GPT-4-TURBOを利用して採用面接における質問を自動生成

3) GPT-4-TURBOを利用してDALL・E3のプロンプトテンプレートを生成

4) DALL・Eを利用して、面接官の画像を自動生成

5) TTS(Text To Speech)を利用して面接官の声を自動生成

6) wav2lip-hqを利用して面接官画像にTTSの声で話させる(口も動かす)

7) 候補者の発言を音声認識

8) GPT-4-TURBOにより候補者の発言と、会社・組織の理念や募集要項と照らし合わせた評価を返却


10) GPT-4 With Visionを利用して書類選考も自動化

11)Suno AIを使った作曲を体感

12)GPTStoreのinvideo video maker AIの使い方


안녕하세요, 웅진씽크빅 IT 입니다.

<생산성을 높이는 컴퓨터 필수 기능 & 최신 Ai 활용 프로그램 쉽게 배우기>입니다.

누구를 위한 강의인가요?

컴퓨터 기본 프로그램으로 생산성을 높이고 싶은 누구나

쉽게 인공지능 Ai 기술을 활용해 업무 생산성을 높이고 싶은 분

무엇을 배우나요?

구글의 인공지능 기능인 비밀번호 관리자 이용하기

빙의 채팅기능 인공지능 비서의 도움받기

구글 드라이브 100% 활용하는 법

윈도우와 브라우저 사용시 필수 단축키 배우기

인공지능을 활용하여 텍스트 한줄로 원하는 디자인 만들기

누구나 쉽게 배우는 숨어있는 컴퓨터 필수 기능 & AI 활용법까지 한번에 배우기 쉽게 입문해봅시다!

그럼 강의에서 만나요 :)


안녕하세요, 웅진씽크빅 IT 입니다.

<생산성을 높이는 컴퓨터 필수 기능 & 최신 Ai 활용 프로그램 쉽게 배우기>입니다.

누구를 위한 강의인가요?

컴퓨터 기본 프로그램으로 생산성을 높이고 싶은 누구나

쉽게 인공지능 Ai 기술을 활용해 업무 생산성을 높이고 싶은 분

무엇을 배우나요?

구글의 인공지능 기능인 비밀번호 관리자 이용하기

빙의 채팅기능 인공지능 비서의 도움받기

구글 드라이브 100% 활용하는 법

윈도우와 브라우저 사용시 필수 단축키 배우기

인공지능을 활용하여 텍스트 한줄로 원하는 디자인 만들기

누구나 쉽게 배우는 숨어있는 컴퓨터 필수 기능 & AI 활용법까지 한번에 배우기 쉽게 입문해봅시다!

그럼 강의에서 만나요 :)


Transform Your Future with the Art of Generative AI!

Welcome to the cutting-edge realm of Generative AI, a comprehensive course designed to unlock the mysteries of artificial intelligence and its creative potentials. Whether you're a budding enthusiast, a seasoned coder, or someone fascinated by the blend of technology and creativity, this course offers a deep dive into the ever-evolving world of AI.

Course Overview:

1. Introduction: Embark on your journey with an overview of the transformative world of Generative AI.

2. Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) Explained: Delve into the backbone of AI - learn how ANNs mimic the human brain to process information.

3. The Power of Transformers: Discover the mechanisms behind these advanced models that are revolutionizing natural language processing.

4. Mastering Text Generation: From filling in the blanks to answering complex questions, explore the nuances of AI-driven text generation.

5. Beyond Words: See how AI simplifies tasks like summarization, translation, and even building chatbots.

6. The Art of Image Generation: Unravel the secrets of creating stunning visuals through precise prompt engineering.

7. Getting to Know GANs: Step into the world of Generative Adversarial Networks for unparalleled image creation.

8. Innovations in Image Generation with GANs: Witness the advanced capabilities of GANs in crafting images.

9. Exploring Diffusers: Understand this cutting-edge approach in automatic image generation.

10. Auto Image Generation: Learn the techniques for generating images autonomously with AI.

11. High-Quality and Conditioned Image Creation: Elevate your skills in creating detailed and specific imagery.

12. Harnessing Pre-trained Models: Leverage existing models for efficient and targeted image generation.

13. Advanced Features: Dive deeper into the complex functionalities of Generative AI.

14. Audio and Video Generation: Expand your horizons with AI's capabilities in generating multimedia content.

15. Real-World Applications: Implement your knowledge in creating AI-driven chatbots.

16. Image Production in Practice: Apply your skills to produce stunning, AI-generated images.

Hands-On Learning Experience

Every module in this course is accompanied by practical, real-world examples and source code, providing you with hands-on experience in Generative AI technologies. You'll not only learn the theoretical aspects but also apply them in varied scenarios, ensuring a comprehensive understanding.

Who Is This Course For?

This course is tailored for individuals who aspire to delve into the world of AI and its creative potentials, including students, developers, and anyone curious about the intersection of technology and art.

Join Us on This Exciting Journey

Dive into the world of Generative AI and reshape your understanding of what's possible. Enroll now and be a part of this revolutionary learning experience!


Transform Your Future with the Art of Generative AI!

Welcome to the cutting-edge realm of Generative AI, a comprehensive course designed to unlock the mysteries of artificial intelligence and its creative potentials. Whether you're a budding enthusiast, a seasoned coder, or someone fascinated by the blend of technology and creativity, this course offers a deep dive into the ever-evolving world of AI.

Course Overview:

1. Introduction: Embark on your journey with an overview of the transformative world of Generative AI.

2. Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) Explained: Delve into the backbone of AI - learn how ANNs mimic the human brain to process information.

3. The Power of Transformers: Discover the mechanisms behind these advanced models that are revolutionizing natural language processing.

4. Mastering Text Generation: From filling in the blanks to answering complex questions, explore the nuances of AI-driven text generation.

5. Beyond Words: See how AI simplifies tasks like summarization, translation, and even building chatbots.

6. The Art of Image Generation: Unravel the secrets of creating stunning visuals through precise prompt engineering.

7. Getting to Know GANs: Step into the world of Generative Adversarial Networks for unparalleled image creation.

8. Innovations in Image Generation with GANs: Witness the advanced capabilities of GANs in crafting images.

9. Exploring Diffusers: Understand this cutting-edge approach in automatic image generation.

10. Auto Image Generation: Learn the techniques for generating images autonomously with AI.

11. High-Quality and Conditioned Image Creation: Elevate your skills in creating detailed and specific imagery.

12. Harnessing Pre-trained Models: Leverage existing models for efficient and targeted image generation.

13. Advanced Features: Dive deeper into the complex functionalities of Generative AI.

14. Audio and Video Generation: Expand your horizons with AI's capabilities in generating multimedia content.

15. Real-World Applications: Implement your knowledge in creating AI-driven chatbots.

16. Image Production in Practice: Apply your skills to produce stunning, AI-generated images.

Hands-On Learning Experience

Every module in this course is accompanied by practical, real-world examples and source code, providing you with hands-on experience in Generative AI technologies. You'll not only learn the theoretical aspects but also apply them in varied scenarios, ensuring a comprehensive understanding.

Who Is This Course For?

This course is tailored for individuals who aspire to delve into the world of AI and its creative potentials, including students, developers, and anyone curious about the intersection of technology and art.

Join Us on This Exciting Journey

Dive into the world of Generative AI and reshape your understanding of what's possible. Enroll now and be a part of this revolutionary learning experience!